There are many times, I felt the need to capture those processes running and consuming CPU on an SQL Server. It comes to a boiling point when that dearth is elevated to make me feel doing a labor while the CPU utilization has peaked due to SQL Server. As a result, my first question to any SQL Server expert was the same, as to why there is no direct way to capture the detail. As a result, my learning lead me to WMI, a treasure for an admin in automation mind. (Trivia: Windows Task Manager works on the same WMI principle used in this code). This is a POLL based CPU Usage reporting, as there is no direct triggering mechanism provided by Windows by any other means to use them appropriately.
Below query can be put into an SQL Agent job, with a Powershell step, which can be called every 1m (Job completion takes ~53sec per my test). This job mails you the most CPU consuming processes on a server whenever CPU usage breaches 90%(Can be changed per your need).
If you need precise Utilization details the Powershell script below should be put into a loop to keep executing as long as needed.
PS: Note that this is specific to Servers that has mostly SQL Server running. If you are running many applications besides SQL Server, then its probably not for you, as SQL might not be the sole CPU consumer.
Below query can be put into an SQL Agent job, with a Powershell step, which can be called every 1m (Job completion takes ~53sec per my test). This job mails you the most CPU consuming processes on a server whenever CPU usage breaches 90%(Can be changed per your need).
If you need precise Utilization details the Powershell script below should be put into a loop to keep executing as long as needed.
PS: Note that this is specific to Servers that has mostly SQL Server running. If you are running many applications besides SQL Server, then its probably not for you, as SQL might not be the sole CPU consumer.
$CPU=Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor | Select-Object Name, PercentProcessorTime | Where {$_.Name -eq "_Total"}
#Replace the Percentage value that you like to use
if($CPU.PercentProcessorTime -ge "90")
#SQL Instance Name should be replaced with a valid Instance Name
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "SQL INSTANCE NAME HERE" -Query "select * into #tmp from sys.sysprocesses
waitfor delay '00:00:01'
-- wait for a few seconds before running the next statement
select t1.cpu - t2.cpu as cpu_diff,
t1.physical_io - t2.physical_io as io_diff, db_name(t1.dbid) as 'Database',
[Individual Query] = SUBSTRING (qt.text,er.statement_start_offset/2,(
CASE WHEN er.statement_end_offset = -1
ELSE er.statement_end_offset END - er.statement_start_offset)/2)
,[Parent Query] = qt.text, er.command, er.wait_time, er.last_wait_Type, er.wait_resource,er.scheduler_id,er.reads,er.writes,er.logical_reads,
er.granted_query_memory, t1.login_time,t1.last_batch,t1.status,t1.program_name, t1.loginame
into #temp from sys.sysprocesses t1 inner join #tmp t2 on t1.spid = t2.spid
inner join sys.dm_exec_requests er ON t1.spid = er.session_id
OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle)as qt
where t1.spid = t2.spid
and t1.login_time = t2.login_time
and t1.ecid = t2.ecid
and (t1.cpu - t2.cpu ) > 0
order by cpu_diff desc
drop table #tmp
--select * from #temp
--drop table #temp
SET @xml = CAST(( SELECT [cpu_diff] AS 'td','',[io_diff] AS 'td','',
[Database] AS 'td','', [Individual Query] AS 'td','',[Parent Query] AS 'td','',
[command] AS 'td','',[wait_time] AS 'td','',[last_wait_Type] AS 'td','',[wait_resource] AS 'td','',[scheduler_id] AS 'td','',
[reads] AS 'td','',[writes] AS 'td','',[logical_reads] AS 'td','',[granted_query_memory] AS 'td','',[login_time] AS 'td','',
[last_batch] AS 'td','',[status] AS 'td','',[program_name] AS 'td','',[loginame] AS 'td',''
FROM #Temp
SET @body ='<html><body><H3>CPU Utilization at Current Time</H3>
<table border = 1>
<th> cpu_diff </th> <th> io_diff </th> <th> Database </th> <th> Individual Query </th><th> Parent Query </th><th> command </th>
<th> wait_time </th><th> last_wait_Type </th><th> wait_resource </th><th> scheduler_id </th><th> reads </th><th> writes </th>
<th> logical_reads </th><th> granted_query_memory </th><th> login_time </th>
<th> last_batch </th><th> status </th><th> program_name </th><th> loginame </th></tr>'
SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'
--select @body
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
--Change the Mail Profile Name thats appropriate
@profile_name = 'SMTP MAIL PROFILE HERE', -- replace with your SQL Database Mail Profile
@body = @body,
@body_format ='HTML',
@recipients = 'EMAIL HERE', -- replace with your email address
@subject = 'CPU Utilization at Current Time' ;
#write-host "TRUE"
#write-host "False"
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