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SQL Server Uptime

The following query is used to get the SQL Server Uptime. Implicitly defines the SQL Server Services uptime.

USE [master]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetSQLUptime]******/
Declare @theMinutes int
Set @theMinutes = (SELECT TOP 1 DATEDIFF(mi,login_time, GETDATE()) AS TotalUpTimeInMinutes FROM sys.sysprocesses ORDER BY login_time)
Select @@SERVERNAME AS ServerName, convert(varchar(15), @theMinutes / 1440 ) + ' Days, ' + REPLICATE('0', 2 - DATALENGTH(convert(varchar(2), (@theMinutes % 1440) / 60 ))) + convert(varchar(2), (@theMinutes % 1440) / 60 ) + ' Hours, ' + REPLICATE('0', 2 - DATALENGTH(convert(varchar(2), (@theMinutes % 60)))) + convert(varchar(2), (@theMinutes % 60)) + ' Minutes' AS SQLUptime_Days_Hours_Minutes


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