Revisiting the blogger to finally start again blogging about the SQL Server after a long long time. This post is on analyzing and digging into what is causing a job significant time to complete. This will be a basic level of approach and I wish, I could have done better. But, its was enough in my case to get to a conclusion, with the knowledge I equip. Issue : A job that's scheduled to run every three hours, was running for more than 48hours. Average job run time, 1.5hrs. Analysis : First and foremost thing to do, is to find out on what session id is the job running on the instance. You may use the below query to fetch the session id of the job from the job name. declare @Var1 varchar(36) select @Var1=substring(REPLACE(CAST(job_id AS VARCHAR(36)),'-',''),17,16) from sysjobs where name =' JOB_NAME ' select * from sys.sysprocesses where program_name like '%'+@Var1+'%' You may get a single row or multiple rows with ...