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Showing posts from October, 2012

"Login failed" (Error 18456) error messages in SQL Server - Web links Compilation

Please check the link for a list of Error States explained in detail for the Logon Errors 18456 on SQL Server. These are for now, and will add to this if there are any more useful found.

Databases that are Subscribers on an Instance

The following script was made as a requirement to check if there are databases that are subscribing in an instance.  This can be executed on any database.  Create table #TempTable ( DB varchar(100), Is_Subscriber varchar(10)); EXECUTE sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?]; if exists (SELECT name FROM sys.sysobjects WHERE name = ''MSreplication_subscriptions' ')         begin insert into #TempTable values (db_name(), ''YES''); END' select * from #temptable drop table  #TempTable