The following query can be used to drop the locks on Database objects. It should be used carefully as the false killing of the processes would lead to disastrous issues which would come as chain of issues. Create Table #Tmp ( spid smallint, ecid smallint, status nchar(30), loginame nchar(128), hostname nchar(128), blk char(5), dbname nchar(128), cmd nchar(16) ) Create Table #TmpLocks ( spid smallint, dbid smallint, ObjId int, IndId smallint, Type nchar(4), Resource nchar(16), Mode nvarchar(8), Status nvarchar(28) ) Insert Into #Tmp Exec sp_who Insert Into #TmpLocks Exec sp_lock If(Select Count(*) From #Tmp T Join #TmpLocks TL On T.spid = TL.spid Where /*This is for tempdb*/ dbid = 2 And objid In (1, 2, 3)) > 0 Then you can kill the concerned spid with the command : Kill — The concerned spid Drop Table #Tmp Drop Table #TmpLocks